2024 DC Disability Policy Seminar

May 14, 2024

Recently a group of us went to Washington, DC to attend the Disability Policy Seminar.  It was a fantastic time of learning about the issues, learning about people here in Washington State that we might not have already met and connecting with our elected officials.  The focus topics included Autism Cares, Community Living, Criminal Legal System, Disability Funding, Education, Social Security and Voting.  The issue papers from the conference can be found here: Factsheets - Disability Policy Seminar.

As we begin our Summer season, now is a great time to connect directly with your legislators.  You might want to invite them to your local coffee shop or have a small get together at your house.  There is more flexibility during this time to build a relationship with your legislators. Do you have an issue that is particularly important to you?  Consider talking with an expert to get good information that you can share with your legislators, when you meet. Your story is very powerful!  If you need some assistance in setting something up please let me know.  E-mail: Emily.rogers@ddc.wa.gov

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